We intend to rely upon the terms set out below. To protect Your own interests please read these conditions carefully before placing an order with Us. If You do require any changes to the Terms please ensure to ask for these to be put in writing by Us.

If you are uncertain as to Your rights under these terms or You want any explanation about them please write to or telephone our office at the address and telephone number set out at the bottom of these Terms under “CONTACT US”.

To view the T&C's which reflect the service you signed up to, please log into your account.

1.1 In these terms and conditions (“Terms”):

means the agreement between You and Us for the sale and purchase of Presents;

means one of four types of fund (Honeymoon, Wine, Furniture, Charity and Art) selected by You to which a Guest may make a donation;

“Gift Card”

means a WPC voucher which may be used by You towards payment for Presents;


means a person purchasing Presents from a List;


means the list of Presents compiled by You;


means the monies that your guests use to pay for a Present


means the goods on the List available for purchase by Your Guests;


means the price of the Presents listed on the Website;

“Registration Form”

means the form You complete when registering online with WPC;


means the website www.weddingpresentco.com or any other URL operated by WPC that may replace this;

“Wedding Date”

means the date of Your wedding;

“WPC”, “our”, “We” or “us”

means The Wedding Present Co whose principal place of business is at Unit 3 Ignition, Faraday Road, Dorcan, Swindon SN3 5FB;


means the person(s) who registered and compiled the List;


means one of our suppliers with whom we have agreed trade terms;

1.2 Clause headings shall be ignored in interpretation, the singular includes the plural and vice versa.

1.3 Any provision of the Terms which is invalid or unenforceable shall be removed for that purpose but shall otherwise remain valid and enforceable and shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the Agreement.

1.4 Variations to these Terms are effective only if signed in writing by an authorised representative of the parties and will then prevail over these Terms.

1.5 References to “writing” or “written” within these Terms include email.

1.6 References to clauses or provisions are to the same within these Terms.
2.1 You appoint WPC to administer Your List in accordance with these Terms (“the Agreement”).  If You have any questions or queries relating to these Terms or our services please contact our offices on the contact details below under CONTACT US.

2.2 WPC may accept instructions in relation to Your List from either of You and by email at which point a contract will come into existence between you and us “the Agreement”;

2.3 WPC reserves the right to cancel the Agreement for any reason whatsoever prior to any Guests purchasing Presents.

2.4 You will not be charged any fee for the Agreement other than in relation to the circumstances set out in clauses 3.9.1(b) and 3.9.2(d) (storage for over three months), 4.1 (delivery charge for Lists under £2,000 in total), 4.4 (aborted delivery charge), 4.6 (costs of Presents pre-ordered if no Guests purchase such Presents), 8 (cancellation fees) and 9.4 (wrongly returned Presents).

2.5 We may revise and amend these Terms from time to time to reflect changes in our business, changes in technology, changes in payment methods and changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements.  You will be subject to the policies and terms in force at the time that You appoint Us, unless any change to those policies or these Terms is required by law or government or regulatory authority (in which case, it will apply to our dealings going forward).
3.1 The delivery time from our suppliers varies greatly between Presents, and some Presents (for example some china, linen and handmade gifts) can take up to six months, or, very occasionally longer to arrive at our warehouse.  We will keep You informed as to such lead times but shall have no liability in relation to such delays which are outside our reasonable control.  If there is a risk of substantial delay in excess of twelve months You may contact Us to end the Agreement and receive a refund for any Presents which have been paid for but which you have not received.

3.2 Occasionally our suppliers discontinue certain items; if this affects any Present on Your List We will notify You as soon as possible in order that You may choose alternatives. If a Present is discontinued from your list, after it has been purchased by a Guest, We will credit Your account with the value of that Present. If the Present hasn’t been purchased We will simply remove it from Your list.

3.3 If any of our suppliers increases the price of any Present on Your List which has not yet been bought We reserve the right to increase the price displayed on Your List on our Website automatically.

3.4 Presents purchased by Guests are immediately marked as unavailable for purchase; however there is a small chance that Guests may simultaneously purchase the same Present.  In this event We will notify You as soon as possible in order for You to make an alternative choice.

3.5 We regret that We cannot accept return of any Presents duplicated in any circumstances other than set out in clause 3.4.

3.6 You will not receive any interest on monies held by us prior to Your Presents being ordered.

3.7 We are unable to pay You any amounts You are in credit in cash (for example where You swap Presents and the present ordered is cheaper than the present bought).  If, once all your Presents have been ordered by us, there is a credit balance remaining in Your account we shall notify You by email.  You will then be able to choose an additional item or items up to the value of your credit balance from our suppliers. You cannot use credit towards Custom products or funds and under no circumstance can it be transferred into cash. Any credit balance remaining in Your account shall remain valid for three (3) years from the date of Your wedding after which time the credit balance shall expire.

3.8 We will notify You of Presents bought from Your List by the method chosen by You on the Registration Form; We shall have no liability for any messages from Guests included in such notifications.

3.9 Unless otherwise requested, Your List will be ‘live’ (visible to your guests) from the point of registering an account with us on our website (see also 12.3). At Your initial meeting with WPC We will discuss with You the options in respect of ordering Your Presents.  The options are a Fixed List or a Flexible List as follows (all Lists are Flexible by default unless You request otherwise):

3.9.1 Fixed List

WPC orders Your Presents as they are bought by Your Guests; if You choose this option in respect of any Presents the following shall apply:

(a) Your List will remain open for up to four weeks from Your Wedding Date after which We will contact You to arrange for delivery or storage (see clause 4 below) of Your Presents;

(b) You may elect for us to store Your Presents for up to three months from the date that your last Present is received into our warehouse free of charge; We reserve the right to charge You a storage fee in relation to any Presents stored with us after that period representing the charges incurred by us for such storage; for details of our current storage charges please email: office@weddingpresentco.com;

(c) There are instances where a present may not be ordered straight away by our team

i. If a purchased present is part of a set or a range, we will only order this item once all the items from this set or range on your wedding list has been purchased, unless you tell us otherwise in writing or you place an order via your Online Dashboard

ii. If you have more than one of same present on your wedding list, and only one has been purchased by a guest, unless you tell us otherwise in writing or you place an order via your Online Dashboard

iii. If the value of your order does not reach our minimum order value with our supplier. In this instance we will have to wait for other orders to come through to hit that minimum order value.

(d) if the price of any Present has increased between purchase by Your Guests and WPC ordering the relevant Present we will notify you via email and hold the price for a minimum of two weeks. After this time, the present will reflect the new price and You will have the option to pay the difference or choose a different present from within our Supplier Database

3.9.2 Flexible List

Your Presents which are bought by Guests will not be ordered by Us until You have confirmed either via your Online Dashboard or in writing (including email) that We are to order Your Presents; if You choose this option in respect of any Presents the following will apply:

(a) delivery of Your Presents will be delayed until You have confirmed via your Online Dashboard or in writing that We are to order Your Presents;

(b) should You wish to attend our London showroom in order to choose alternative Presents to those bought from Your List You may do so by booking an appointment.

(c) Your List will remain open for four weeks from Your Wedding Date after which We reserve the right to order Your Presents as they have been purchased by Guests;

(d) You may elect for us to store Your Presents for up to three months from the date of your last Present is received into our warehouse free of charge but We reserve the right to charge an administration and storage fee in relation to any Presents ordered or stored after that period; such fees represent the charges incurred by us for such storage and continued administration of Your List; for details of our current storage and administration charges please email: office@weddingpresentco.com; and

(e) if the price of any Present has increased between purchase by Your Guests and WPC ordering the relevant Present We will hold the original price for 2 months, starting from the date of your wedding. After this time, the present will reflect the new price and You will have the option to pay the difference or choose a different present from within our Supplier Database.

3.10 We will confirm Your List with You in writing and it is Your responsibility to check this and notify us in writing of any errors or changes You may wish to make within 14 days of receipt as once Presents have been bought by Guests they may not be exchanged or returned other than in accordance with these Terms.

3.11 Custom Products

We understand that sometimes there may be a few extra special or unusual items that you would like to add to your wedding list, which we may be unable to source from our suppliers. We are therefore delighted to offer you ‘custom products’, which you can add to your wedding list. These products will begin with the code “WPC”. There is a limit of ten custom products that you can add to your list.

Some important facts about Custom Products

3.11.1 If you are adding (for example) 6 of the same dinner plate, this will count as one custom product, but if you added 6 different, individual dinner plates, this will count as 6 custom products. If you added a set of 6 dinner plates, this would count as 1 custom product.

3.11.2 If you choose to load custom products via our “Add an item from another website” function, you need to add this custom product onto your list at that website’s recommended retail price (“RRP”) (We will not list these products at promotional or sale prices).

You will also need to make sure that you are adding the correct model, colour, price and quantity.

3.11.3 We reserve the right to change any custom product to the correct and most current RRP.

3.11.4 Custom products must be from a UK website and must be priced in Pounds Sterling.

3.11.5 Occasionally, we find that some custom products added to lists can be sourced through our Brand Partners. To allow us to check this for you, any custom products added to your list will be held in a “pending” state for up to 3 working days. We will e-mail you to confirm whether your items have been confirmed as a custom product or been switched to one of our Brand Partners.

3.11.6 We will notify you when any of your custom products have been purchased by one of your guests.

3.11.7 Funds pledged against custom products can be spent within our Branded Products and they can also be moved to a charity contribution.

3.11.8 We do not source any custom products that have been pledged for. Instead, we will transfer your custom product pledges to you as cash, allowing you to source these products from the retailer of your choice. We will offer you two free bank transfers.
4.1 Provided that the total Price of the Presents bought by Guests from Your List exceeds £2,000, delivery of Presents to one UK mainland address is free of charge.  Otherwise, delivery to a UK mainland address is charged at £25 for the first delivery, subsequent deliveries are free of charge.  At Your request, We will arrange delivery to any address outside the UK mainland and will charge You for such delivery costs as incurred by us.

4.2 Upon closure of Your List (four weeks after Your Wedding Date or earlier if You so wish) We will contact You in relation to the delivery or storage of Your Presents.  At this stage You may wish to purchase any Presents from Your List not purchased by Guests; We agree to give You a 10% discount on any Presents You buy from Your List (excluding those bought using gift vouchers or credit notes and Custom presents).

4.3 Any Presents You purchase from Your List will be purchased upon our standard Terms of Sale.

4.4 If We are unable to gain access to Your delivery address at the agreed times We reserve the right to charge a delivery charge of £25.00 and place Your Presents into storage (in which case the terms of clause 3.9.1(b) or 3.9.2 (d) will apply).

4.5 If We are unable to deliver Your Presents at the agreed times We will let You know as soon as reasonably practicable and agree on an alternative time.  We shall have no liability for late delivery.

4.6 If You require delivery of any Present on Your List before Your Wedding Date We are pleased to order the relevant Present prior to a Guest purchasing it provided that:

4.6.1 You send an express written request to us asking that We do so; and

4.6.2 in such a request You agree to pay for the relevant Present before we order it. If a Guest subsequently goes on to purchase that item, We will credit your account with the amount that the Guest spent for You to spend within our Brand partners.

Upon receipt of such request, We will place an order for the relevant Present but We shall have no liability for any delay in delivery of the relevant Present or if it does not arrive in time for Your Wedding Date.

4.7 A Present will be Your responsibility from the time We deliver the Present to the address You gave Us or You collect it from Us.
5. Funds
5.1 If You have selected a Fund Your Guests will have the option to contribute to it through Your List. Your Guests will be charged a 2% handling fee for any contributions made towards a Fund (excluding Charity Funds). As an example, if one of your Guests gifts £100 towards a Fund, we will charge them £102 in total and you will receive your £100 gift. The 2% handling fee only applies to Funds (excluding Charity Funds). There are no fees for your Guests when purchasing Branded Products or Custom Products.

5.2 You may not use credit, Gift Vouchers or discounts towards Funds.

5.3 You can transfer Guest contributions from funds towards purchasing Presents from our Suppliers (excluding Charity Funds). You cannot use Fund contributions towards Custom Products.
6.1 You can select any present from Your List to be a Group Gift via our website in ‘My List’ or by contacting your wedding list advisor in writing. Making a present a Group Gift means your guests can individually contribute a chosen amount to that present.

6.2 You can take Group Gifting off a present, provided that no Guests have contributed towards that Present. This can be done via our website in ‘My List’ or by contacting your wedding list advisor in writing. If a guest has already contributed towards a Group Gift Present it must remain a Group Gift Present.

6.3 If your guests do not fully contribute towards a Group Gift present, you can top this up with your own money after Your wedding. If the Group Gift Present is a Custom Product you cannot use funds, credit or gift vouchers to top up the outstanding amount.

6.4 If you have a Flexible list and you decide to exchange a Group Gift Present, you can only exchange it for a Present from our Suppliers. You cannot exchange it for a Custom Product. If there is a price difference between the two Presents, you will need to pay that difference.

6.5 If you have a Fixed list, we will only order a Group Gift Present if it has been fully contributed to by your guests. If it has only been partially contributed to after Your wedding, we will contact you and ask if you would like to top up the amount, or if you would like to exchange the Present for another Present from our Suppliers.
7.1 Gift Cards and Promotional Credit are valid until the date shown.

7.2 They cannot be exchanged for cash funds or custom products.

7.3 If You recommend a friend to WPC and that friend subsequently registers with WPC and You are confirmed as the recommender, You and the friend you recommended will both receive a £50.00 Promotional Credit. Referral vouchers will only be validated once you have received your first guest pledge on your gift list (The threshold might change).

7.4 If you have more than one Promotional Credit when you register your wedding List, you can only redeem one Promotional Credit. It is up to you which Promotional Credit you redeem, the other one will become null and void. 

7.5 Gift Cards & Promotional Credit can only be redeemed against Your own gift list and not towards items on other Customers’ lists. In the case of 7.3 above, this applies whether You are the recommender or the friend who has been recommended. 

7.6 Gift Card can only be redeemed against products from our brand partners.
8.1 Gift Vouchers are valid until the date shown

8.2 Gift Vouchers are only redeemable against Presents from our brand partners and cannot be exchanged for cash or used towards a Fund or Custom Product. Gift Vouchers can only be redeemed against Your own gift list and not towards items on other Customers’ lists.
9.1 You must notify us in writing of any Presents which are damaged or faulty within seven (7) days of their delivery to You.  Such notification must include details of the Present(s) and the alleged damage or fault, along with supporting imagery.  We shall not have liability for any damaged or faulty Presents which are notified to us after seven (7) days from delivery of such Presents to You.

9.2 We will then liaise with You to arrange the return of the Presents and assess how best to resolve the issue.  We will normally either arrange for repair or replacement of damaged or faulty Presents by the manufacturer.  If a satisfactory resolution cannot be achieved by repair or replacement We will arrange for a refund of the Price to You by way of a credit note and You may then either choose an alternative Present of the same value from our Suppliers, or a Present of higher value from our Suppliers provided that You pay Us the difference in the price.

9.3 These Terms will apply to any repaired or replacement Presents We supply to You.

9.4 Change of mind/unwanted gifts: We do not accept return requests for any unwanted gifts once you have placed your order, other than items that are delivered damaged or faulty.
10.1 Subject to clause 10.2, If either of us fails to comply with our obligations under these Terms, neither of us shall be responsible for any losses that the other suffers as a result, except those losses that are reasonably foreseeable as a consequence of the failure to comply with these Terms.

10.2 Nothing in these Terms limits or excludes the liability of WPC for:

10.2.1 death or personal injury resulting from our negligence;

10.2.2 fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or

10.2.3 any other liability which may not be excluded by law.

10.3 Subject to 10.2, neither of us shall be responsible for losses that result from our failure to comply with these Terms which are not a foreseeable consequence of such failure, including, but not limited to, losses that fall into the following categories:

10.3.1 loss of income or revenue;

10.3.2 loss of business;

10.3.3 loss of anticipated savings;

10.3.4 loss of data;

10.3.6 loss of enjoyment; or

10.3.7 any waste of time.

10.4 Subject to 10.2, WPC shall not be liable for any damage caused by Your negligence (or that of a Guest) or as a result of any guide, manual or instructions not being followed by You. 
11.1 In order to provide our service We collect and record certain personal data relating to You (including Your name, addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers).  You hereby consent to such collation and storage of Your personal data and We agree that We shall use such personal data only for the purposes of provision of our wedding list services and in accordance with our privacy policy.


11.2 You consent to our contacting You in relation to our services.

11.3 You warrant that all personal data and other information You provide to us is true and accurate.
12.1 By accessing our Website You agree to be legally bound by this section 12.

12.2 The information on the Website is made available to You on condition that it is accessed via our central server. Any other method of access shall be deemed a breach of these Terms.

12.3 You create an account with Us by registering on our website for a wedding list. To create an account, You will need an email address and a password which is personal to You. You agree not to permit others to use Your login credentials to access the Website or to make it available to other people.  We reserve the right to refuse access to the Website if We consider that login credentials are being used inappropriately or otherwise than in accordance with these Terms.

12.4 The material and content contained within the Website are made available for Your personal non-commercial use only.  We have taken care to ensure that the information on the Website is technically and factually accurate but some errors may occur.  No guarantee is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information on the Website.

12.5 We may alter, modify or withdraw the Website temporarily or permanently without notice to You and You confirm that We shall not be liable to You or any third party for any modification to or withdrawal of the Website.

12.6 We use reasonable endeavours to prevent contamination by any known viruses and to maintain the security of the Website but We do not warrant that the Website or its contents are virus-free or uncontaminated, nor can We guarantee that the Website may not be affected by deliberate damage by hackers, failure of plant, machinery, equipment or computers, power failure, failure of telecommunications or any criminal action.  You are advised to make Your own virus checks and to implement Your own precautions in this respect.  Unless we are negligent in this regard, We shall not be liable for contamination or damage caused by any virus or electronic transmission.

12.7 The Website may be used only for lawful purposes and in a lawful manner.

12.8 The Website is provided on an “as is” basis and whilst we make every reasonable effort to ensure accuracy, security and completeness, because of the nature of the internet we cannot guarantee that the Website contents will be completely accurate, secure or error-free.

12.9 The images of Presents displayed on our Website or in our promotional materials are for guidance only and the Presents You receive may vary in colour or design.  We cannot accept the return of any Presents if they vary slightly from any such images. 

12.10 You agree that all copyright, trademarks and all other intellectual property rights in all material or content supplied as part of the Website shall remain at all times vested in us or our licensors.

12.11 The contents of the Website are © The Wedding Present Co. or are the copyright of WPC’s licensors.

13.1  These Terms (together with the documents referred to in them) constitute the whole Agreement between the parties and supersede all previous agreements between the parties.  Please do not rely on any verbal or written statements or promises made by anyone other than Us or our duly authorised representatives.  Nothing in this clause shall limit or exclude liability for fraud. 

13.2  We will not be liable or responsible for any failure or delay to the performance of our obligations under the Terms caused by events outside our reasonable control including, fire, flood, storm, explosion, earthquake, act of god, terrorist act epidemic or other natural disaster, failure of transport systems including rail, road, sea and air or impossibility of use of telecommunications systems. 

13.3  If any of the events in 13.2 arise the Agreement shall be suspended for the period of the event and both parties will take reasonable steps to find a solution so that each party may perform its obligations despite such event. 

13.4  You may not assign or transfer any of Your rights or obligations under these Terms without our prior written consent.  We can transfer all or any of our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation, but this will not affect Your rights under these Terms. 

13.5  If We fail at any time to insist that You perform any of Your obligations under these Terms, or if We do not exercise any of our rights or remedies under these Terms, that will not mean that We have waived such rights or remedies and will not mean that You do not have to comply with those obligations.  If We do waive a default by You that will not mean that We will automatically waive any subsequent default by You.  No waiver by us of any of these Terms shall be effective unless We expressly say that it is a waiver and We tell You so in writing. 

13.6  A person who is not a party to these Terms shall not have any rights under or in connection with them under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.

13.7  These Terms shall be governed by English law and We both agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts to settle any disputes between us. 

We want you to have complete peace of mind. The monies needed to fulfil gift lists are protected and held in trust for the benefit of the gift list holder. In the event of anything ever happening to the company these funds are beyond the reach of creditors or an administrator and so can be used to fulfil all the gift pledges made. 
If You have any queries in relation to these Terms or any other matter, please contact us:

Email: office@weddingpresentco.com
Telephone: 01488 662 100 (office hours are 9am to 5pm Mon-Fri)
Post: The Wedding Present Company, Unit 3 Ignition, Faraday Road, Dorcan, Swindon. SN3 5FB

The Wedding Present Co is the trading name of Wedding Presents Direct Limited, a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 04531550 and our registered office is on the 8th Floor of Mindspace, Metro Building, 1 Butterwick, Hammersmith, W6 8DL. Our registered VAT number is 382294772.